My Various Travels

travels in Estonia and the USSR... travels in Yosemite... travels in New York... travels in New Orleans and the Caribbean...
travels in England... travels in France... travels to Seattle... travels in CA, NV and AZ... even more travels...
my observations on what I've found Strange, Odd or Just Plain Different in the UK...

As you can see by the index above, I have been fortunate enough in my relatively short life so far to have traveled many places. I'll warn you now that to navigate your way through all my travel pages will take you quite awhile, so don't try to take it all in at once! Save some for later, and who knows...maybe by the time you come back to read some more, there will be yet another place for you to visit here...

(A navigation hint: you can always click on the sailing ship to get back to the top of the page...)

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Copyright ©1996-2008 Britta Blvd. All rights reserved. All text, photos, graphics, artwork and other material on Britta Blvd
are copyrighted and may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without prior written consent.

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