Travels in Calfornia, Nevada and Arizona: July 1998

Alcatraz... San Francisco... various Bay Area excursions...
Las Vegas, Nevada... the Grand Canyon, Arizona...

Travels to Alcatraz: July 1998

Alcatraz Panoramic

Since Marcus missed going to Alcatraz in October, 1996, we made sure to get tickets ahead of time for this trip...You can get some really good pictures of the bay from the boat to and from the island...


I was impressed with the variety of foliage on Alcatraz, especially since it was all blooming due to the late rain from El Nino...and I thought the contrast between the drab concrete buildings and the beautiful foliage was stark...

Alcatraz Cell Block

I think this is "Broadway", which is the main aisle through the cellblocks. They nicknamed them after streets in downtown New York City...One of the recorded stories from one of the former inmates mentioned how the many windows allowed the inmates to see the beautiful view of the city and the bay so they were always reminded of what they were missing...

Marcus and Britta on Alcatraz

Since we had the privilege of leaving whenever we wished, unlike the inmates in that story, back outside we took lots of pictures of that same beautiful view...This is Marcus and me with San Francisco behind us...

Marcus and Noah admiring the view

Even the guys were appreciating the view! Here are Noah and Marcus with the Golden Gate Bridge behind them...

Flowers and the Golden Gate Bridge

As you can tell, I found way too many pretty pictures I had to take...Each time I took a few steps, the view changed dramatically, so I took another picture...

Golden Gate through the trees

...but I think this is one of the best...

view of San Francisco

In this one, I even caught a seagull flying by...!

Marcus' view of San Francisco

This is one of Marcus' photos of the city, with the seagulls sitting all in a row...

Another view of SF

Marcus ventured out on the boat on our way back and got these views of the city... Click on the image to see a panoramic view...

Group Shot of Alcatraz

Of course, as you're boarding to leave for Alcatraz, they take a picture of your group in hopes that you'll buy one when you get back...well, I'm always sneaky and take photos of these as my own cheaper souvenirs, but this time I had an accomplice when Noah asked if he could look at them more closely! I took the picture over his shoulder...


After our Alcatraz excursion, we met up with Louie & his girlfriend Heather to visit Chinatown...The plan was that they were going to give us a walking tour of Chinatown while learning Cantonese, but they brought the wrong book with them...So, we just walked around, bought some Chinese yo-yos, Chinese finger traps, some hats, etc...Then we had dinner with the benefit of Louie to order for us, then headed back home...

Next: More San Francisco!

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